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Sunday 28 April 2013

The Father of All fathers

Mother's day is approaching but lately I find myself thinking more about fathers and what that name means.

For some the word father means one who abuses his authority because he can. Most fathers are bigger and stronger than their wives and all tower over their children. Some use their strength to abuse or tyrannize their families. For others the word father means neglect, disinterest, distance and even abandonment. For some father means shame or guilt.

For some the sound of father returning home is not a welcome sound, for some the sound of father's footsteps does not fill them with confidence but dread.

Over the years I have come to know my God as my Heavenly Father. I have discovered him to be the true perfect Father of all fathers. He is fully trustworthy and loving. God my Father wants the best for me and he knows without a doubt what that is. He is the one I can put my full trust in and know that he will never betray or abuse it. He uses his power and authority to do good. He is perfect love.

When I turn to him I find forgiveness and grace. When I come to him with my problems he does not spew out blame or shame he listens and guides me. When I come to him hurting he does not turn his face away but takes me in his arms and says "peace, be still."

I have found peace and rest in my Father.

"See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children, and that is what we are!" 1 John 3 vs. 1

All For Love
by Mia Fieldes

All for love a Father gave.. For only love could make a way... All for love the heavens cried.. For love was crucified.

Oh, how many times have I broken your heart... But still you forgive if only I ask..
And how many times have you heard me pray..Draw near to me..

Everything I need is You
My beginning and forever
Everything I need is You

Let me sing all for love.. I will join the angel song. Ever Holy is the Lord, King of Glory, King of All.

All for love a Saviour prayer.. Abba Father have your way.. Though they know not what they do.. Let the cross draw man to you

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